
Hi! I’m Kat Kaybee (they/them/theirs). 

I’m a white, queer, non-binary/trans, and neurodivergent maker.

I’ve been crocheting since I was around 13 years old, and since I've always been obsessed with miniatures, I naturally asked myself, "Now, how small can I go with this?" I was making tiny amigurumi on and off until about 2017, when I looked at a little brontosaurus toy sitting on my shelf and something hit me — If I crocheted a sweater onto that thing, it would be a ridiculously long turtleneck, and that's hilarious. And that’s how Kaybee Kitsch was born!

It’s always been important to me to thrift my plastic toys as often as I can for my work. The reason I had a lot of plastic toys decorating my house in the first place was because I would come across them while thrift shopping, and their uniqueness and wonkiness would always win me over. That goal of rescuing overlooked items is the same energy I bring to Kaybee Kitsch every day. Plastic toys are a plastic that gets thrown in the trash or sent to second-hand shops all the time, and they’re not really recyclable like other traditional plastics. So, this business is my effort to upcycle and repurpose some of that weird plastic in a way that brings joy to other people (and myself).

Thanks for following me and joining me on this weird, kitschy journey!